
Did You Know? 5 Fun Things for Kids to Learn About Numbers

By Sarah Hauge, Publisher, Macaroni Kid, Englewood, Greenwood Village, Centennial April 6, 2022

If you've ever had to divide up legos, set screen time limits, or help a child count sheep at bedtime, you know that kids experience numbers every day- and all day! The same is true for adults. (How much does it cost to fill up a tank of gas? How many cookies do I need for the class treat? How old will I be when my kids graduate from high school? etc). To sum it up, you can count on numbers being active participants in every stage of life.

Here are five fun number-themed things to teach your kids.

1. A silly joke.

Add a little laughter to your day with this goofy math joke.

Why was six afraid of seven? Because 7, 8, 9.

Fun fact: The number 5 is pronounced "ha" in Thailand, so writing 555 can translate to laughter ("hahaha") in internet slang.

2. A new vocabulary word.

Can you name a word with more than 1 z? (buzz!) How about more than 3? (pizzazz!) More than 5? That's where I got stumped... until now. Check out this big word that has SIX.

What is a zenzizenzizenzic? Zenzizenzizenzic is a math term used to describe the 8th power of a number. For example, the zenzizenzizenzic of 4 is 4x4x4x4x4x4x4x4 which equals 65,536. Though this word isn't really used in math anymore, it still gets a spot in the Oxford English Dictionary for its peculiarity and is noted as having more z's than any other word in the English language.

3. A word puzzle.

To solve a rebus, consider not just the words, but the placement, size, color, and quantity of everything within the box (and sometimes just outside the box!) when trying to decipher the puzzle. 

What does it mean to be one in a million? It's a term used to describe someone or something that is rare or very special.

4. A fun fact.

If you started counting up from zero right this moment, it would take about 11 days straight (no breaks!) to reach a million.

In 2007, a man named Jeremy Harper live-streamed himself taking on the challenge, and after averaging 16 hours of counting every day, he finally reached one million... 89 days later! Imagine how much longer it would take to count to a billion, trillion, or even more.

A million is 1 with 6 zeros and a trillion is 1 with 12 zeros. So how about a 1 with 100 zeros? That is called a googol. And a 1 followed by a googol of zeros? That's called a googolplex. These numbers are so large that they don't have any real-life applications. They're greater than the number of atoms in the universe! Learn more about these theoretical numbers from

5. Teach a personal discovery.

Do you have a favorite number? How about a number that seems to appear over and over in your day-to-day life? Numerology, an ancient mystical science, attributes deeper meanings to the numbers 1-9. Some people believe these numbers aren't a matter of coincidence. Instead, they may have a greater purpose in your life.

What is your life path number? A life path number is a commonly calculated digit in Numerology. You can calculate your own life path number and explore the meanings (both positive and negative) of each value at

"Success is the sum of small efforts - repeated day in and day out." - Robert Collier