
Did You Know? 5 Fun Things for Kids to Learn About Emojis

By Sarah Hauge, Publisher, Macaroni Kid, Englewood, Greenwood Village, Centennial June 28, 2022

According to, 92% of the world's online population uses emojis in their communications. With more than 3,600 emojis to represent people, places, food and beverages, animals, holidays, travel, and more, using emojis can be a fun and effective way to express yourself. 😀

Did you know that YOU can submit emoji requests? 🤔💭 Emoji proposals are accepted from April 4 through July 31 each year. Learn more about the emoji submission process and start brainstorming your own special characters. 

Below are five more emoji-themed things to teach your kids.

1. A silly joke.

Here's a joke to make you LOL. 😂😂😂 

How do cows send text messages? They use e-moo-jis.

2. A new vocabulary word.

An old adage claims that "a picture is worth a thousand words." 🖼️ Like a photograph, emojis can express an abundance of ideas and emotions.

Emojis are digital icons used to express ideas and emotions- sometimes literally and other times in unexpected ways. Parents and guardians can keep up with emoji trends using Bark's Emoji Slang Guide.

3. A word puzzle.

To solve a rebus, consider not just the words, but the placement, size, color, and quantity of everything within the box (and sometimes just outside the box!) when trying to decipher the puzzle. 🧩

What does it mean to "stop and smell the roses?" This piece of advice encourages people to take time to recognize the daily moments that bring us joy!

4. A fun fact.

If you could sum up the year in a single word, what would it be? ✍️

In 2015, Oxford Dictionaries selected an emoji as the Word of the Year. 😂 (Face With Tears of Joy) was the year's big winner! Want to see other word winners? Check out Wikipedia for a variety of organizations that select noteworthy words each year.

5. Teach a personal discovery.

Did you know that there is a dictionary just for emojis? It's true! explains the meanings behind each emoji, shows you how each emoji will appear, and even provides stats on how each particular emoji has trended in use over the years. 👪

Using only emojis, what does your family look like? Here's mine! 👨👩👧👦🐶

"The shortest distance between two people is a smile. 🙂" – Source unknown.