
Did You Know? 5 Fun Things for Kids to Learn About Pumpkins

By Sarah Hauge, Publisher, Macaroni Kid, Englewood, Greenwood Village, Centennial August 30, 2022

A few years ago, my kids and I grew pumpkins in the local, community garden. We were so excited about our harvest that we brought our 17.8 lb pick to the neighborhood's annual pumpkin-weighing festival. To our surprise and confusion, only one other contestant showed up, bringing a set of pie pumpkins that weighed under 4 lbs each. The event's regulars, who had previously set records for 350+ lb pumpkins, had faced massive hail damage that destroyed their crops. Their unfortunate set of circumstances meant that our tiny-by-comparison pumpkin was awarded the first-place prize!

That particular experience reinforced some important life lessons for us:

  • Never let the comparison of others stop you from trying something new.
  • Believe in yourself and show up, even when the odds seem against you.
  • Sometimes unfortunate situations prevent us from giving our best, but they shouldn't stop us from trying again.

Below are five pumpkin-themed things to teach your kids.

1. A silly joke.

Give your friends pumpkin to talk about with this funny joke.

How do you fix a jack-o'-lantern? With a pumpkin patch.

2. A new vocabulary word.

Pumpkins can be classified as a few different things: squash, gourds, fruit, and berries. Let's just say, they're a complicated plant! If you really want to dive deep into their botanical family tree, check out this article from Country Living.

Speaking of complicated plants, have you ever heard of a luffa?

What is a loofah? A loofah is a fibrous gourd. Young plants are edible and have a texture that resembles zucchini. As the loofah plant grows, the gourd's interior becomes suitable for bath sponges. These rough sponges are commonly used for exfoliating skin.

3. A word puzzle.

To solve a rebus, consider not just the words but the placement, size, color, and quantity of everything within the box (and sometimes just outside the box!) when trying to decipher the puzzle. 

Need help solving this one? The plural of P sounds like "piece."

4. A fun fact.

Did you know that the very first jack-o'-lanterns weren't actually carved from pumpkins? The tradition started with turnips!

Jack-o'-lanterns, as we know them today, became commonplace after Irish immigrants moved to the US and carried on the tradition of carving with a more readily available plant: pumpkins.

Learn more about the tradition of the jack-o'-lantern and other fun pumpkin facts from Barton Hill Farms.

5. Teach a personal discovery.

Nothing beats the coziness that comes with classic fall smells and tastes. Whether it's hot apple cider on the stove or a pumpkin pie in the oven, these flavors immediately make me want to snuggle up and enjoy an abundance of traditional, seasonal treats.

Do you prefer pumpkin spice or apple cider flavor for fall treats? Does your answer vary when you consider pies, cookies, and drinks separately? Well, suffice it to say, there are no wrong answers. Savor the season! 🍎🎃🥧

"Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." – Marilyn Monroe.