
Up, Up, and Away: Create Your Own Craft Stick & Clothespin Airplanes

August 16, 2023

Building craft stick airplanes is a fun and exciting activity for airplane enthusiasts of all ages. With just a few supplies and some creativity, anyone can make their own unique airplane model.


  • 1 clothespin (the squeeze kind, not true "pins")
  • 2 craft sticks (standard size)
  • 1 shorter craft stick
  • paint or markers
  • glue


  1. Paint each piece of the airplane.
  2. Once the pieces are dry, glue the two same-sized sticks toward the front of the clothespin where the opening is located. (One stick gets glued on top, one on the bottom.)
  3. Glue the shorter craft stick toward the rear of the plane on the top.
  4. Let the glue dry and add embellishments (glitter, stickers, googly eyes, etc) as desired.
  5. Let the pilot start flying.

Check out these videos for additional inspiration:

With a little creativity, you can make a whole fleet of craft stick airplanes in no time!