
Parenting Groups 101 – YOU Are the Expert of Your Child

AllHealth Network offers support and community to parents and caregivers

By AllHealth Network | News You Can Use March 4, 2025

Some would say that being a parent is one of the toughest, yet most rewarding jobs a person could have. With the great reward that comes with raising a human also comes a lot of uncertainty and difficult decisions. Unfortunately, we are not given a parenting manual when we become parents or guardians. What we do have is a community around us of parents and caregivers with the same thoughts, questions, fears, and struggles that we may have ourselves.

Parents and caregivers have reported the following after attending parenting groups at AllHealth Network:

  • Increased confidence in their own parenting skills
  • Deeper understanding of the science behind child development
  • Made positive connections with peers and felt less alone
  • Learning more about themselves as parents
  • Feeling better equipped to handle their child’s emotional needs

Cait Cantell, LMFT works on the Early Childhood Team at AllHealth Network. She has organized and hosted many parenting groups in the past. Cait has answered some questions about the goal of parenting groups and the benefits of connecting with other caregivers in your community. 

Q: Why would someone join a parenting group?

Cait: Parenting is an important job. Unfortunately, no one gives you a rulebook on how to be a parent. Raising a human is a hard task, and there is so much to learn when we bring parents together. 

Q: What would someone expect if they have never been to a group before?

Cait: Parents and caregivers will be able to introduce themselves and share whatever they feel comfortable sharing with the group. They may also express what they are hoping to get out of the group. No one will ever be forced to share more than they are comfortable with. The group is confidential, and that is made clear every time we meet. Attendees can also expect to learn parenting skills, discuss why they are effective, and share resources.

Q: How do parenting groups benefit our children?

Cait: We believe that you are the expert of your child. Reconnecting with that innate wisdom to grow your confidence and expand your knowledge will help you find the recipe for success with your child. Our children are different from one another, so it makes sense that we may have to approach parenting differently, and that’s normal. 

Q: Who can join your parenting groups?

Cait: Any adult that is caring for a child. This could look like someone caring for a younger sibling, or even someone thinking about having a child. Parents whose children do not live at home are welcome to join as well. If you are a human being with emotions, you are welcome to our groups.

Q: What else should parents or caregivers know about parenting groups?

Cait: Your first experience with parenting is when you were parented by your own caregivers. It can be difficult to change some of those patterns, but it is never too late to pave your own path. In groups, some of our past experiences may resurface and we will make space for that. There are a million “right” ways to parent, but you have the choice and the power to be the parent or caregiver you want to be. 

If you would like to learn more about parenting groups at AHN or learn about any upcoming groups, you can call (303)-730-8858. You can also email for more information or referrals. 

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Macaroni KID Highlands Ranch-Parker-Castle Rock-Lone Tree is thankful for AllHealth Network's generosity, which keeps our publication free for our readers. 

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